(Bonus context: I've never asked anyone out before) I (21m) have been in a relatively small club in my college since it was reinstated last October. In February this girl (24f) joined, fast forward a little under 2 months and I realized I started to have feelings for her. I didn't rush into things and have become a pretty jokey friend with her. A couple weeks ago I found out that she and I had summer classes at the same time. I talked to her on discord a few days ago, offering to give her a bluetooth speaker of mine that I don't use much since I know she lost hers at a city park. We agreed to meet after class on Monday. This will be the first time I will get to talk to her in person in a couple weeks (I've only gotten to wave at her since the summer semester started). I'm considering using it as an opportunity to ask her to go on a date since at this point, the possibility of her saying no is preferable to me living with uncertainty/regret. But this is a huge gamble for me because if it ruins my friendship with her it will by extension make the dynamic with the rest of the club awkward, and these guys are basically my only in person friends.

Should I ask her out?

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