My (18m) girlfriend (18f) have been together for about 4 months now in a long distance relationship, everything has been basically perfect so far though my girlfriend has been struggling with some mental issues such as depression, anxiety, etc and I have done nothing but support her through everything and try my best to be there for her and be the best boyfriend I can be.

But about a week ago my girlfriend and I were talking about some lack of communication on her part, she has a history of mentaly abusive relationships and I understand where she's coming from and she may not be comfortable with talking about her emotions yet. But she says shes been really depressed and anxious recently and wants to take a 3 week break and not talk to anyone to work on herself. But I feel like I should know if it gets that extreme.

I tried to protest and figure out more information but she left that night. I have only heard from her twice in the last 6 days she says she gonna text me only once every 4-5 days.

I can't help but be hurt by this and the fact she was hurting enough to not wanna talk to anyone especially me for that long, and in the back of my mind I'm thinking "if things get hard again is she just gonna leave again?"

Any advice would be appreciated

TL;DR: Gf went on a 3 week break to work on herself and doesn't want to talk to anyone and I don't know what to do

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