I’ve recently changed jobs and things were going great for a while but lately I’ve noticed I’m pretty much invisible to others. Like as if my existence is not welcomed or matter. There were certain things that have happened over the past few months that made me feel this way but last week there was an interaction I haven’t been able to understand and let go. So I walked in the room at the beginning of my shift, there was group of people at work. I was sort of walking past them but slowed down, smiled, waved and said hi. A bunch of them looked at me so I know they heard me, yet not a single person said anything back. I thought that was weird but just chalked it up to maybe the workplace just wasn’t having a good day as it’s healthcare and I know how stressful that can be. Well literally not even 2 minutes later my coworker enters the room, everyone shouts her name excitedly (it was so loud it startled me) and gave her this overtop greeting, telling her they were so happy to see her. I swear I’m not jealous of anything, I just don’t understand why they were so polar opposite with my coworker. Would you not think there was something “wrong” with you (in their eyes)? I go out of my way to be friendly to others and show interest in their lives (while being aware of not crossing boundaries) and I’m decent looking (as if that would even be a legitimate reason to ignore someone’s existence) so I can’t wrap my head why everyone except two people at work treat me like I’m not even in the room

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