I 21M started dating a girl 26F who had recently broken up with her boyfriend 30M after a 4 year relationship. She still lived with him and was out with him when whe met. The next weekend she went out and texted me to come to the same club.

I noticed that her ex was there with his friends and she made an effort to show them we where there toghether. We even sat at the table next to them. When we happened to bump in to her ex he was nice and told me it was nice to meet me. Apparently she had moved out from his apartment by this point.

She talked alot about her ex that night. About him working so much on his businesses and didnt give her the attention that she wanted. (She works for him by the way). How he was a great guy but she needed more validation. She told me she loved him but wasnt ”in love” with him anymore.

The following week she told me to come to her work for a coffee. Where I suddently bumped in to her ex again. He told me ”nice to see you again and gave me a fistbump”.

This guy is very handsome, tall and in great shape. And he seems to be very indifferent about the breakup.

He havent contacted her at all after the breakup and it seems to piss her off. And at work she says he only acts like her boss and not talking about anything personal.

Now a month later. She doesnt want me to come to her work anymore. Last night we went out for a walk. And she noticed his car. She asked me to hide with her behind a bush when he drove by. This Guy drives a brand new ferrari.

She went from showing me of to hiding me? I dont understand.

I feel very insecure about this whole situation.

TL;DR; girlfriend goes from flaunting me infront of her ex to trying to hide me from him.

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