What are the signs that you’re falling out of love woth your significant other?

  1. Sounds like u think love is a constant thing. Iv never know anyone in a long lasting relationship that doesn’t admit that it comes in highs and lows.

  2. She is reluctant to provide sex and your dick stays flaccid if she wants sex.

  3. i’m single but had a pet cat for 12 years. about 11.5 years into our friendship she started missing the litter box. she’s old.

    so, of course, i never say anything and just clean it up. well, one day, i kind of just looked at her and said “pie, come on man…” and she looked me dead in the eye and walked out of the room.

    she refused to come back into the room and eat until i got down on the floor with her and said “i’m sorry” a few times (she understands about 15 words). after the 3rd i’m sorry she got her happy ass up and joyfully bounced over to the food and proceeded to eat her lunch.

    it totally shamed me.

    hand to god felt like she totally stopped loving me for that minute guys.

    i know it’s not a story about a SO but shit

  4. If you start falling out of love ot wasn’t true. Your lose interest

  5. Love is just a chemical reaction that has limited duration. Romantic relationships need to be built on more than that if they’re meant to last.

  6. Lot of staring out the window on public transportation and listening to Placebo

  7. The opposite of love isnt anger it’s indifference.

    Little things that used to bother you don’t bother you anymore, you start becoming annoyed at their presence, every little thing becomes irritating. That cute playful sass? Become the most annoying bitching in your eyes. But you think it’s normal and that you need space. You distance yourself, and slowly but surely stop caring at all. There might not be any fighting during this time. They might seem like it’s getting better. But it’s not. It’s past the point where you can come back. Why do you stay? Sunken cost? Don’t want to hurt feelings? But you don’t care anymore, you’re looking for an excuse to justify your feelings.

    That’s what it looks like.

  8. The little things about them that you either didn’t notice or appreciated now irritate you. The conversation between you pretty much dies, you have disagreements over the most trivial things, and physical attraction wanes. Ultimately you realise you love the person they used to be more than the person you see them as now. You love the experiences you’ve had together, but you can’t see a future together.

  9. Common signs are:

    – lack of interest in your life
    – mostly see each other just for sex
    – not texting back or taking way too long
    – cant hold a conversation
    – doesn’t care when you do stuff alone
    – lack of showing effort for the relationship

  10. You see them and you’re just like “ugh.” You start giving a damn less and less. If before you couldn’t wait to hang out with each other, nowadays you couldn’t wait to be alone. Planning for your dates start to feel like a chore.

    Or when you see the trajectory your life is heading and their goals no longer align with yours and you just go “oh.”

  11. When you stop making attempts to exchange love languages with them.

    Mine are quality time, and touch. For me, it looked like not wanting to spend time with her, and lack of interest in touching her (both sex, and smaller things like hugs and kisses)

  12. Its a very clear sign when you go on social media asking what it looks like…

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