I 34/M gave a partner 25/F. We are 8 months together. It's very complicated to explain the kind of relationship we have. We both like each other but can't marry (family and religious reasons). We mutually decided to continue "the relationship" we had. Things became more complicated when we had sex. I feel I am emotionally too attached to her (more than her at least). She would spend hours sharing her problems and seek suggestions from me. But she doesn't show her emotional side (not sure if she even has some attachment with me). The problem is her male best friend M25. They are almost the same age and they share too many things in common. The friend proposed her but she said no. I am now being insecure about him. Though we are clear that we can't marry but I still get hurt when she talks about him. She clearly said that she doesn't feel a thing for him now but they're very compatible. She might consider him later but now she just want to be with me even if we can't marry. They go out occasionally. I don't know what to do. We both wanted "the relationship " to continue because we have no expectations and are super supportive to each other.
Even though I know, I can't marry her, it hurts when she talks about that guy. What should I do?
1) Let this continue and think that she can live her life her way because I can't offer her the relationship and stay.
2) Slowly try avoiding her and break whatever we have.
If the answer if 1) how to deal with insecurities?

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