can you love someone without actually being in love? my boyfriend ended things, saying he doesn't think he was ever in love with me, but he wanted to be and was trying to convince himself and others(his friends and family) that he was. I have been so blindsided. I've been crying all day..he came to drop off my stuff and we both sat there and cried. he said he does love me, and I'm everything he knows he needs but he stopped feeling a connection with me a few weeks ago. it's valid, but instead of ending it when he first felt that way he continued to tell me everyday he loves me, I'm beautiful, and treating me the same as always and then today it just all changed. I'm so lost, I haven't felt heartache like this is so long and it's so much worse than I remembered. I was so in love, I saw him in my life forever. how am I supposed to just accept this and let go? I know I have to, but how when I feel like my entire world is crashing. we kissed and hugged goodbye, I begged him if there was anything that could be done, but I guess there isn't. he is no longer interested in being in a relationship with me, and I'm left to pick up my own pieces.

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