So I’ve been talking to this guy for 3 months, and we’ve established that we like each other. I always contemplate though whether he likes me or not, but I’ve gotten better with telling those that I like how I feel! And I verbally say it to him. However, we just got off a Facetime call, and it made me upset. I think he was drunk but he denied it, but his male friend was in the passenger seat. He was just listening in, and didn’t put any input by the way. Anyway, crush is telling his friend that “Yeah, she likes white guys..she likes these types of guys.” And I’m thinking to myself “Why would he say I like these types of guys, when I have clearly said I liked YOU.” I thought it was just insensitive of him. I don’t even joke around like that. And he asked if I liked older guys and I said “How old..?” And he was like to his friend “Ha, I’m 29!” I’m so confused. I don’t know if this is his way of digging deeper into how I feel about him, or I don’t know. Then he said “Yeah, you’re always out,” “You hang around X too much.” And I said what’s wrong with hanging with friends? I know he’s sarcastic at times, but this was insensitive of him.

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