We just got married a year ago. Nothing egregious has happened but I felt that my husband took me for granted for a while. This never happened while we were just gf/bf but now he forgets our dates, our make up dates for the ones he forgot and when I would politely confront him about it he would get mad at me for being upset. The whole year we've been getting into big fights. Mainly about how I haven't been feeling heard or appreciated. He didn't help me with the wedding at all and I started to have second thoughts even back then because I had really imagined our wedding would be something we'd do together. We got into many arguments about this and we went to therapy for it. In general, my attraction to him is waning. I don't even want to have sex anymore because I feel like our emotional intimacy has plummeted. We've been to therapy over this too but it's not improved much. My husband doesn't pressure me into it but he's voiced his disappointment in the frequency of sex we have. We had sex maybe once every 2-3 months this past year.

I recently went to work abroad for a few months and noticed that I was relieved to be away from him and all the arguing. He's actually a decent person and is thoughtful about other things in our relationship but I've been feeling disconnected from him and don't look forward to returning back to him. Is my marriage doomed already? Or does this happen sometimes early in marriages?

Tldr: regretting having gotten married but we have only been married for a year.

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