Hey guys,

So long story short I had an ex who knew they had genital herpes but lied about it and I didn't like that they took the choice away from me by not telling me before we got intimate. So I immediately broke up with them. I dated someone after and before anything intimate I immediately told them "I don't have it but my ex did, never had a breakout, tests are clean etc and show them results" and it's been fine but now I've met someone new and they're perfect, never thought I'd meet someone like this and I feel like I should tell them but I'm petrified they'll bolt. Asked different circles of friends as well and they believe as I've never had a breakout and tests are clean(shows hsv1, coldsore but even then I've had that once in my life ever as a teenager like 10 years ago) , I shouldn't say anything as I may be shooting myself in the foot but I believe it's the right thing to do still, ultimately their body choices trumps my happiness in my opinion.


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