hello, this is my first post here, i think im pretty socially unaware and cant really read people super well. recently ive been struggling with knowing if people heard me or not. oh also im a woman in my mid 20s if that helps.

i was told when i was a kid that if someone didn’t answer me they probably are doing it on purpose. i’ve also been in situations as a kid where i say something… no one responds…. i say it again… and get hit with “yeah we heard you” so i know that sometimes people will ignore you if they don’t want to respond.

what’s been happening lately is that i will ask to join in on something, like a game (cards, video game, physical activity), at a group event and then no one responds. this leaves me to feeling kinda down but i can’t tell if thats valid or not. usually the only time i get to play is if i am invited by someone else. this confuses me because other people get to say that they want a turn and then they get to join in.

the other thing thats been happening is that i will be talking with 3 people. it will seem like there is a natural time for me to start speaking (other person finished their point, and trail off into silence), i start to respond, and then the third person starts talking after me and just keeps going. this has happened with many people on many occasions. if it was one on one me talking there would make sense but i cant seem to understand when it’s my turn to talk in groups. often times i will try to say something and i cant get a word in for multiple passes of conversation.

help me lol.

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