How this came up. My hobbies are comedy/improv/acting. I make next to nothing, so its just for fun. Anyway, I was at a workshop and I was told that I don't have any humility on stage. This was communicated by someone who's been in the comedy scene for 15 years. After he said, the a few others the room agreed with him (even though they've all known me for 2+ years and never mentioned it). I'd say half the room would call me their "friend" and normally say nice things about me even when I'm not around. So, that was kinda weird.

I don't respect that guy's opinion. Here's the thing: He's not a very personable person himself. I've been to many rooms where people approached me and said "that guy is a dick." He also has this weird thing where he'll ask a question like "Does the audience like that?" and if I say "yeah. Why else would I do that?" He'll respond with something like "but, do they really?" What?? Why tf ask a question if you reject my answer. He may or may not be right. That's not relevant right now, just using that as a reference point for the person I'm talking about. The point is that other people agreed with him on the topic of my humility. I'm sure there's a chance that they just played along because he's the biggest name locally… but, there is also the chance that they view me as having a lack of humility.

Is humility a favorable trait? I've always assumed arrogance was the opposite of humility, but no one accuses me of being arrogant. I don't have a big head. Hell, look at my username lol. I don't go around flaunting my accomplishments (unless its to get bookings, of course). I don't feel I brag about anything. If anything, I feel like he's using the term "humility" to mean "someone who isn't intimidated by me." And, listen, I try not to be confrontational with anyone in any of these scenes so its not like I'm actively feuding with the guy. I also don't kiss his butt with hopes that he'll get me booked with him. I have made it very clear that I'm only doing comedy/improv/acting as a hobby. I have a day job and I don't need to make it in any of these scenes. I like a lot of the people in these scenes (despite how some of you will interpret this post) and use it as an excuse to hang out. If I could just be around these people without performing, I probably would… its just that it would be weird so I need to stay active.

Advice? I don't think I lack humility. But, at the same time, it is always good to address criticism. Ideas on how to show "humility" when you don't think you lack it? Remember: I'm not trying to be a doormat. I feel a lot of people conflate an unwillingness to be pushover with a lack of humility. HOWEVER, I also know I'm rough around the edges and I would be open to smoothing those edges out.

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