I have 2 exams coming up through work so I have been studying quite a lot recently. The exams are at the end of next week. As I am still working full time, a mot of my revision has been on the weekends.

My girlfriend was going into town to have a look around the shops on Saturday and asked if I wanted to come. I needed some fresh air anyway so told her I'll come as long as we're not longer than 2 hours which she agreed to.

Things were going well, we grabbed a coffee and had a look around the shops. We had been out around an hour and 45 mins when she bumped into someone she knew. They started talking and showed no signs of wrapping u the conversation.

25 mins passed and they were still talking. I tried talking to my gf but she just asked me to wait. I ended up getting frustrated and getting a taxi home while she was still talking to her friend as my gf was the one who drove.

When she got home she was annoyed and said I had embarrassed her in front of her friend but I just pointed out she knew I had to get back and revise and still kept talking to her friends.

She said I should have waited but I just reminded her that my revision is important and I had no idea how long she was going to be.

She said I was completely wrong for leaving her and that I should not have done it. Does anyone have any other views on this or any advice on how to handle it?

tl;dr I have exams coming up through work. My gf was going into town and asked if I wanted to join. I agreed as long as we were not going to be longer than 2 hours as I needed to revise. She agreed. Once we were there and the two hours were nearly up, she saw a friend who she started talking to. They showed no signs of stopping talking so I left and went home. My girlfriend said I should have waited and that I had embarrassed her.

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