I fall left on most issues but I don't feel a strong conviction towards one side or the other (liberals/conservatives). But it seems that for a lot of liberal women (don't know stats for conservative women) they won't date a guy who isn't 100% on the left.

I support legal abortion at any point of pregnancy and I would not vote for Trump. I only point these issues out cause I know they're among the most pressing as far as what women would consider a deal breaker lol.

However, I don't feel so passionate about these issues that I would go to the streets in protest for them (last girl I dated was dumbfounded about that). It's also cause I have social anxiety so those kinds of large gatherings are stressful for me.

Anyways, let me know! I'm curious to see what your thoughts are!

Please please please keep it kind and respectful and refrain from toxic political talk. This is fundamentally about dating preferences, not politics!!!

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