I’m 22 and I’ve never even had a first kiss, let alone a girlfriend in the first place. I kinda gave up going out of my way to find anyone since high school, thinking there was no hope for me. Recently for about a year I’ve been on and off dating apps trying to get something, anything. I don’t even know exactly what I want. I want a relationship, but I also feel like I just want sex out of it. Libido is through the roof. Every time I’ve gotten a match, it’s always the same. “Hi” “What do you like?” “Haha that’s cool” and then they all just cut off and go nowhere. Farthest I got was meeting up with one girl for food, but we could both tell it wasn’t working, so it didn’t go any further. I’ve got nearly zero confidence when it comes to this stuff. How do people do it man?? And people are always like “oh just be yourself” or “it’ll come naturally” but like bro my mind and body need it NOW PLEASE. I don’t even know what I’d do if I had a girlfriend. We’d kinda just…sit around. We sure are a couple…I guess. But then I don’t just want it for the sex because then I’d feel like an asshole that only wants women for their bodies. What do I dooo?????

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