Hello all! My question might be dumb, but I'm autistic, and I currently work at a gas station that caters primarily to truckers. As those who've worked with truckers know, a disproportionate amount of them can be nasty, rude people. I also, like everyone else, deal with the occasional rude person in the real world.

I've dealt with two such people the last week, and when I face these kinds, I tend to not respond outside of, "I'm sorry you feel that way.", and staying firm in my statements. My parents are both very outspoken, take-no-shit kinds of people who will call people rude assholes, but I've always been nonconfrontational to a fault. I've made huge strides in standing up for myself in personal situations, but with rude strangers, I think it's not worth it to give them the time of day.

However, I can't help but wonder if I'm allowing people to walk over all me, or if I'm taking the high road. Any opinions, thoughts, or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading if youve gotten this far 🙂

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