I know I've lost my chance but I'm not sure how I was meant to seal the deal. Sorry it's long just a lot to get off my chest.

I have been talking to this flirty barmaid for a couple of weeks she added me on social and gave me her number.

She was waking me up with good morning gorge messages and being very flirty. Good night messages and just genuinely a lot of great talking. Asking me to come to the bar. Moaned that I didn't ask her out sooner when I finally did. I work nights one day she was sat on my lap outside I was basically falling asleep and I didn't take the hint to go upstairs with her that's my bad.

We went on a day out together it was good. I asked her for a real date twice after this day out and it either wasn't acknowledged or avoided over text.

She's calling me boo and being really nice over text but I didn't know how to initiate to be more sexual in person.

Then on the 6th which is about 3 maybe 4 weeks of a lot of texting and seeing each other she was really cold and short over text so I gave her some space. She didn't message again.

Messaged her a week and bit later asking if I'd messed up or anything. She says no and theres still a chance of the 2 of us being all lovey over text. I then asked her for a date to not leave it longer and get an answer she says "Yeah I'm not too sure at the moment sorry love x " I said thanks for replying this time at least it's better than no answer. 2 hours later she says "I'm not too sure though. I'm just not in that mindset you know x" I relied saying "That's ok I'm here if you want to talk about anything. There's no rush not forcing anything x" she sent a voice thanking me and she'll keep it in mind.

I messaged her next day along the lines of hope you have a better day today x she love hearted the message. But hasn't messaged or replied.

Then the shit news hits I get a call from a friend she had gottom off with a friend of mine on the 9th he said sorry and mentioned he warned me about her being a slag I honestly didn't know. Mentioned over the last week and a bit she has gottom off with 3 others as well. Other people have now confirmed this. One of them said sorry and told me as well.

My question is once you have a woman interested and your talking and seeing each other oftenish how do you then move it into being sexual and not platonic. With this woman I think I might have dodged a bullet but I still feel I fucked up or didn't approach it correctly before she pulled away an became a slag. I don't even know if she was doing this shit while we were talking.

I feel hurt that I missed the opportunity my friends that have seen the messages she was sending are saying she's leading me on for attention. After the news before we were all thinking this is going great.

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