Not sure if there is a sub strictly for wives/gfs of law enforcement but if there is let me know pls lol

But just venting/seeking support from others who may be in a similar position and understand..

My bf and I have been together for about a year now and he is the best boyfriend ever, first actually healthy relationship I have ever had. My family loves him, his family loves me, he’s so kind and loving and supportive etc
The only issue that’s not an issue but is not my fave is his occupation… so he’s a cop, been his dream job since he can remember so I am full support of that for him.
He works the night shift so he’s basically leaving as I’m getting ready for bed and then when he gets home, I’m leaving for my job. He also tends to work a lot of secondary shifts, which means time together is very limited especially since he tends to sleep a majority of the day due to his schedule. Then there’s also the matter of our days off very rarely aligning, I’m off every weekend where he is off for three days but they are always fall randomly so it’s challenging to enjoy our time off as a couple rather than separately..

It has been a major adjustment sleeping alone most nights and it’s been extremely frustrating that our schedules are essentially polar opposites… and on top of all that I am just naturally worried about him due to the high risk of his job…

We try our hardest to work around it as best as we can and I am beyond grateful for his cooperation and understanding. I would never in a million years suggest he change his schedule but it definitely is not ideal. I know he’s got a hard job and it takes a toll some days so I try not to get on him too often about our time together (or lack there of) but I can’t help that some days are much more difficult than others with his frequent absence..

Anywayssss thanks for reading my pity party, any support or advice is always appreciated <3

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