
What would be your reaction if a random guy approached you during shopping?

For example, a guy just randomly asked you for your advice on purchasing something then went on to initiate a conversation with you

  1. When he asked for my advice, I’d probably say “um, I’m not sure… oh, I think that guy works here, you’d probably have better luck there”

    And when he kept going, my internal response would be “UGH for fucks sake”, and my external response would be something about how I have to meet someone RIGHT NOW somewhere else, or I’d feign a phone call.

  2. As long as the guy is nice and not intrusive it is fine 🙂 just don’t get to close and let her go if she doesn’t want to talk to you

  3. I wear headphones while grocery shopping, and my area is back to wearing masks again. Anyone who sees me and thinks “Ah, yes. She looks open to a conversation” is completely lacking in social awareness.

  4. I would answer his question and chat for a second and then go about my business.

  5. To hope he’d leave me alone and go away. I’d try to avoid him if l if I noticed him first. If I didn’t, I’d be polite and get away as quickly as I could. I absolutely hate it when men interrupt me in situations like that because they want to flirt/hit on me.

    It feels like when random strangers approach to try to get me to sign a petition or sell me on their religion. It’s annoying. I’m at the grocery store to get groceries. If I’m out shopping, I’m trying to buy things and go home. I do not want to be interrupted by random strangers trying to get my attention.

  6. If he’s cute, friendly, and single, I’d love to chat with him. I’m single so I need to be approached lol.

  7. If it was something I could actually give advice on, ( thinking nappies, baby stuff, menstrual products?or gluten/dairy free food options), sure. If not point him towards someone who works there. I’m the person that will stop random tall people to help me reach stuff off a high shelf though..

  8. If he asked me for advice it would depend on what, everyday items if I’d used it I’d probably give him that advice if it was something I hadn’t I’d just apologise and say I haven’t used it. If the conversation went off topic I’d be like sorry I gotta go!

  9. If it’s a “I’m buying something for my girlfriend and I need a woman’s advice” I don’t mind giving a little opinion. But if that’s the opening I would expect him not to overly engage me in conversation

  10. Depends how much of a rush I’m in and if he’s being pleasant. If he’s nice and I’m not in a hurry then I wouldn’t mind at all. I don’t love talking to strangers, but it does me no harm to be nice to someone who needs some help and who is being nice themselves

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