A few weeks ago, my boyfriend of 1 year ( M27) and I (F27) took a graduate exam needed for MA/MBA programs. Since then things have been off. We met about a year ago and started dating immediately. A few months into the relationship we started studying for above exam and that’s all we did when we saw each other. We’d see each other once or twice a week because we lived further away. The last few weeks has been strange.

He said he loves being with his friends in the summer and he clearly does and I want to give him space and have mine. He even got really close to a female coworker/neighbor and I’ve been understanding of it. Then one very drunken night two weeks ago, we had a fight where he said he’s contemplating how long we’d date because he doesn’t know what programs we’d go to and felt we lost our initial spark since the studying got monotonous and a lot of other trivial things were brought up (like I said I wouldn’t marry before 30 and he took that as we will never get married which I explained wasn’t accurate). I set the record straight about the things he mentioned which were misunderstoood. He said he still loves me a lot and can’t imagine not seeing me to which I said if there’s a chance this will work out, we can make it work but I’m not gonna beg for him to stay and since then we’ve been trying to do more activities that are fun and spontaneous and it feels like we’re getting back to normal. We’re still intimate (and it feels passionate), communicate better (had a lapse when he started thinking about this initially), and laugh together about our fight. We’ve made some dates here and there and have started very open and calm discussions of some of the issues we’ve had in the relationship.

The problem is we have my best friend’s wedding in a month in Puerto Rico and we both decided we’d go to that because we made her a commitment and we booked everything and it’ll be fun. I now can’t help but feel it’s due to timing and he’s waiting till after that commitment to break up. He’s been incredibly nervous and sad when I say I’m thinking about our future and if I seem like I wanted to break up so I’m very confused because I may be overthinking things. We both tend to do that. The friends I’ve told have just said we both need to chill and live in the now. His friends have mostly said the same except one who said if at any point of any relationship someone questions something, end the relationship. That seems idiotic to me.

So what do you think? Keep fighting and see what happens make sense?

TL;DR- Boyfriend was contemplating our future and is now trying to work for it but does that even work out?

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