Here’s the situation:
So I have a crush on my supervisor and I have been flirting.

On Friday I was just asking questions and then she invited me to her car to smoke which made me feel good. It was lowkey talked about her coming over.

So today she wore blue Because I said she was Smurfette since she is the only girl that works there. I finally got on my break we sat in the back talked for several minutes my boss is going to leave for the day it’s a go to the gym and then that’s what sparked a conversation about how everyone in our store goes to the gym. I said I was the odd man out. She said” that’s funny I never date guys that do go”.

This is where I think some mistakes happened:
She had a customer and said she didn’t mind helping him because he was cute. I said “how about me” she said in a baby talk way ” you’re cute ___.” I came back and said in a innocent cute voice ” you really think I am cute?” With a huge grin. She was like “such like a kid” with a smile trying to be more poking fun. Then she said “your ex never gave you compliments?” I was like no she didn’t really. She said well a woman whom you’re going to be with should give you compliments. After that I went sweeping and I went back around and I poked her in the foot with the broom. I said ” this working” she lifts her feet up. I said ” see I can sweep you off your feet”. She liked that imo she laughed and I think blushed.

So I was pretty determined to get her number. I waited for my coworker to leave and I pulled up to a spot next to her because I was parked across the different side. I got her attention and she was confused; she brushed her hair before(not sure if she saw me try to get to her; possibly not because she could’ve done that before). I don’t know if she was on the phone or faking to avoid the situation because it looked like no one was on the phone.I awkwardly said so what are you up to tonight and she said something and I got really nervous. I said “so see you around” with my face blushing red and left.

How should I approach this situation? Do I bring it up and make it a joke because it was bad? It’s been good up until now from my stand point.

  1. First of all, don’t think about her and the whole situation, because atleast from my experience, thinking about it too much makes me more nervous.

    So take some deep breaths and just carry on with your tasks in the day. When you see her again, talk to her and ask if she wants to grab a coffee or if you know a place that she and you like. Ask her to go grab some food or drinks. I suggest coffee shop because it’s inexpensive and fast.

    And please do it because don’t live in regret. You don’t know if you don’t try. I’ve learned this the hard way.

    If she’s older than you and you are abit younger, then it’s fine to be playful like you mentioned earlier as it depending context can be great for flirting. However definitely be mature when it comes to your job etc, manners and whatnot as then she’ll see you not as a kid but a person who seems mature enough to hang around with. Just use common sense and you’ll get through. Let me know how it goes dude.

    Again please don’t live in regret, if she doesn’t talk to you anymore that’s fine just carry on as if nothing happened between you because then you’ll know that your the mature one by already moving on and she’ll be the one being odd with you.

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