Im so done of being treated like shit at school and people picking on me. Im on the urge of fucking snapping at someone most people at school don’t like me and the reason why is for the untrue shit people have said about me and people choose to believe. Im sick of hearing it is easy to pick on me or the phrase “people suck “ in reality it’s just another way of saying people are just gonna be assholes and deal with it. Any advice on how to not care anymore?

  1. How much longer are you in school? If you are close to done, finish it, be done and move on. I am not sure what I could tell you to not care. Time and distance helps.

  2. I’m sorry to hear that. You’re in a tough place and I know what I’m about to say seems impossible right now but it’s not and it will happen.

    School is going to end and life will move on. Those people treating you poorly will never be in your life again and you will have such a better opportunity to meet people who actually appreciate you for who you are. If you can convince yourself of that, you’ll be able to realize how unimportant what they’re saying now really is and be able to move past them.

    I wish you the best of luck

  3. Learn to fight. In fact maybe you should start getting into fights at school. Even if you get your ass beat you will feel better that you did something this time.

    >Im sick of hearing it is easy to pick on me

    Well if you don’t stand up for yourself then they are right. Tell your parents you’re getting bullied and want to take boxing lessons or jiu jitsu or wrestling. Some of the greatest fighters in the world started exactly were you are right now: kids sick of getting bullied and wanting to fight back. There is an angry aggressive part of your soul screaming for your attention. Accept it. Harness your aggression. Control it. And when you need to, use it. That’s what learning to fight is all about.

    I don’t know what other advice you are going to get here but if they tell you just to suck it up and take it ask yourself if that sounds better than my idea. You’re being disrespected. You SHOULD be angry. Anger is your minds way of calling you to action. Take some action, kick some ass.

  4. Take every joke they have and ruin it. Don’t let them ruin you. Those are just the people around you at the same time and place. I promise there are amazing people out there who won’t know anything about your past and treat you like a person. Just take every joke and make them uncomfortable. When they make a joke, laugh the loudest. When they make a joke, turn it around on them. It won’t last forever.

  5. I know it’s tough. But, you have to let that BS go. They aren’t worth it. They don’t deserve to have any part in anything that can affect you. Read that again if you need to. You have all the power.

    Not all people suck, by the way. Some of us are here trying to help someone we don’t know, have never met, and probably will never meet. Still, we care about you.

    Don’t let some aholes change you, or ruin all of humanity for you.

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