How did you survive a long distance relationship?

  1. Phones/social media help.

    Realize that at the end of the day, you and your SO can’t be co-dependent in any strict sense of the term. Like, yes, “needing them” **in your life** is alright and frankly I’d be questioning anyone who says they don’t esp when it’s regarding your spouse.
    But that’s different from “needing them” **right there** with you.

    Actually like, trust your person.

    “Daily/if not more frequent contact” is nice in theory but realize that at some point you might actually have run out of things to talk about, notwithstanding random bullshit meme games and whatnot.

    All that goes x100000 if there’s kids in the picture.

    Source: joined the Army at 18 in 2001, got married to another soldier at 19, I’m 40 now and we still have the same last name and we’re still obnoxiously into each other. Both of us have several deployments to Afghanistan/Iraq/other vaguely hot and sandy places in the Middle East during that timeframe.

  2. My very first relationship started out long distance, so it’s possibly a case of not knowing any different. We made time for regular phone calls, and it helped knowing that the distance was only temporary. We were both living in the same city, but I was spending a year post-highschool traveling, so we had met about two weeks before I left on my trip. I guess having a specific end date made us look forward to spending more time together face to face.

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