**I am broken and really need advice right now.**

Currently I feel stuck in my relationship. I feel it hard to continue this relationship/

We were in a long distance relationship and we finally decided to meet in April. However, when it came close to the day we met, we fought a lot. And he became insecure but he did not say anything. When he arrived in my country, he had second thoughts.

And the tragic began. As he had second thoughts, he did not tell me that he was insecure but that he was flying to my province. I was happy and waited for him at the airport. He didnt come. Until I messsaged him, he said he lied because he wasnt ready. I CRIED a river at the airport. I have never thought he is such a liar.

Then, a few days later, he decided to come, but he did the same thing again. Instead of flying to my place, he flew to Japan but he lied to me that he was deported from my country because of his misbehavior and that someone robbed all his money. I was so worried for him that I flew 1000 km from my place to the airport where he was located. The guard at the airport said I might have been scammed but I scolded at him for that. He looked at me feeling sorry for me but I believed in my bf’s shit.

But eventually…I figured it was another lie. Two lies in one week. It was too much for me to handle.

He said he wasnt ready and he was mentally disturbed after all our fights. He said he was afraid that our relationship would turn bitter if we continue to fight. I said okay, we need to meet to solve things out. But he still decided to fly back to the US.

I cried a lot. He did too. But i decided to give us a chance. Coz I love him. I love him so much that I decided to forgive.


But I doubt my decision was right. Because rightnow although I said I forgave hi, my trust for him is not 100% any longer. And I feel bitter for that….

Sometimes I cry and feel ashamed of myself.

He said sorry many times and said he is going to therapy so he will be mentally ready to meet me in July, but I doubt I should meet him.


What should I do now?

  1. See a therapist and stop having internet boyfriends.

    This person is fucking with you

  2. You’ve already learned the lesson in a rather painful way, you want to learn it again in another really painful way? Stick around and wait for July.

  3. You’ve already seen and felt what it means to be lied to by this person. He isn’t worth your time. Not even a little. Time to seek therapy and be single for a while. You will heal, you’ll get better. And when you’re ready , not now, you will find someone in person to date. Yes you deserve in person because you’re an awesome and amazing person.

  4. I feel like we will be listening to this on a true crime podcast soon. Please cut things off with this pathological liar and don’t take any more flights.

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