It’s like, I always have perfect and charismatic ways to say the things I wish when I think of how I’ll phrase things in advance or right before, but when it actually comes to talking, I choke up. Or on the flip side, after interactions where i impromptu say something that doesn’t come out well, but then i think of the perfect thing I could’ve said 2 minutes after the encounter.

For example, I had a virtual meeting with a recruiter for my profession I’m studying, and although the call itself went pretty good, the things I thought of saying prior to the meeting all got jumbled or went out the window as soon as it was time to speak to the guy. It’s like, I had perfect ideas and talking points and just general things to say that would make me sound confident and as if I belong, but it just blanks when the time comes and I get anxious.

I feel as if I truly do know the correct things to say in order to be a confident and cool person to be around, it’s just there is figurative barrier stopping me from letting it out.

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