What are the pros and cons of being a man?

  1. I feel really tired all the time and my dick gets hard randomly throughout the day

  2. Pros: the annual dick measuring competition with the bros builds growrh and community.

    Cons: it’s considered gay to kiss the homies good night even though the loved me better than any woman ever could.

  3. You know i’ve never been harassed on the street for being a man, but I think being a man also comes with certain responsibilities in the public world that women don’t have. In broad strokes, You have a problem? You’ve gotta fix it yourself. Somebody needs help? You gotta jump up and help. Someone needs to be protected? You gotta be the one to do it. It’s not always a pain but it wears on you sometimes.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think we can sleep a little easier than women. Walk home at night alone without much fear. No cycle. No pregnancy. Again, no trouble on the street. Still, we’ve got our own problems in ways I don’t think ladies can fully understand, and vice versa.

    If I could change something about the way in which gender politics play out, i wish if nothing else that we could be more graceful and understanding of one another.

  4. Pro

    No periods

    don’t have to go to baby showers

    No make up, hair styling, painting nails, etc.

    Don’t have boobs that bounce around

    Don’t have a baby come out of me


    I am the one that will get killed after investigating sounds in the night

  5. Being a man is the same as being a male but you control your emotions, support your family and fulfill your responsibilities.

  6. It’s like being a pin ball women wants to be everything and fix everything way are you a Dr when they have a medical question or when the drain is plugged why aren’t you a plumber or you get then they say I don’t expect you fix everything I just want you to listen to me until the electricity doesn’t work the. Why aren’t you an electrician also when women don’t want to talk to someone on the phone they ask you to and then tell you what to say women at that moment think we are stupid do I guess they want a dumb Dr in the house

  7. Pro: Pretty easy to get left alone.

    Con: You’re not wanted for who you are, but what you can give others.

  8. Like being a human being with a set of balls and a penis….

    I don’t think about it because it’s what I was born as and just normal to me.

    Are there cons to being a man…. yes. Just like there are pros…. (Same case with women. There are pros and cons) but I’m perfectly happy being a man because it’s what I am

  9. Being neglected growing up as a child since boys are “easier” to raise. No one besides my therapists care about my emotions. Men are constantly in a nonstop pissing contest where we are constantly sizing each other up whether subtly or overtly, sometimes without even realizing it, which is why respect is paramount. We tend to have shallow friendships with others.

    Plus side is that I can walk around anywhere at anytime, exception was in Iraq in combat.

  10. Kinda sucks at Times. Lots of Expectations and Standards that, when not met, make you seem less of a Person in the Eyes of Others. Also big Lack of Support.

  11. It’s being a disposable resource to society and nobody except maybe you parents and a few friends giving a shit about you.

  12. Not great. Dealing with childhood sexual abuse seems like I have two options; man up and get over it or kill myself.

  13. I have no other frame of reference, so I’d say it’s pretty good.

  14. You have to get used to being around a bunch of people who feel entitled to share their opinions but offended by even the most innocuous of yours.

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