This is on a per day basis. Say you choose to work 8 hours the first day, your eight hour would earn you $64. The Next say your first hour earns you $8 again.

What’s the average time you’d work? Also thoughts on this system of pay? (I haven’t thought of it at all and I’m too tired to find the flaws so I’m sure yall internet strangers will)

  1. I would work 8 hours but then I would leave early when I wanted to.
    I would work over time (this exponential formula plus time and a half!) if I was saving money up for something.

  2. Obviously, you are rewarding someone to work fewer, longer days. I’d “work” a 24 hour day. But who would pay someone more when they are less productive?

  3. So, I did some quick math ad working a normal 5×8 weekly schedule puts you at almost $75,000 a year. If we assume that you take 20 days off through the year for things like vacations, sick days, and various other things it comes to just over $69,000. That’s not rich, but it’s a solid income and the fact that if the boss asks you to stay late overtime adds up *fast* means a lot of people would be very happy with that. I think I’d jump on a 5X7, though a 4×9 would be better.

  4. 4 days a week, 6 hours would be my starting point. Though it depends on starting time, like am I allowed to choose when to arrive at work in the morning? Assuming I had to start at 9 am, I’d go for 6 hours. However, if I could start at 7 am if I wanted to, I might go for 8 hours, then already thinking of possible 3-day-week.

    Hoever, that’s just a guess, I never bothered thinking about at what point higher salary does stop bein that relevant.

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