Hey so my first time posting something like this, but i (33m) am married to (31f). Our relationship started off with lots and lots of sex. Up to 5/6 times a day. We are very compatible in bed. Since my teens ive been very sexual, although picky with who my girlfriends were. Past girlfriends were always surprised how much sex i wanted. Anywho my wife and i are now new parents with a nine month year-old baby. Everyone i know with kids has told me that sex goes down significantly after having a kid. We currently have a traditional setup were i provide and wife runs the house and all the needs of our baby.

I feel bad for even writing this but what do I do, weve sometimes gone a week or two without sex, once even after a month (obviously not counting the time she needed to recoup from giving birth). Her sex drive kinda goes up and down, and obviously we're tired cause of the baby at times. I masturbate at least 2- 3 time a day when shes too tired for sex. To top it off im working on getting back into shape which is making my libido even higher.

Am i crazy? Lol. Anywho hope someone can give me some honest advice. Thanks everyone!

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