Hello guys.

I am a 25 year old nerdy guy. As it stands, I don't have much relationship experience with girls. I figured that the best way to improve my dating skills is to improve my conversation skill and my body language. These two are things that I really suck at.

There is a girl that I talk to from time to time. She is a hot chick; she's the type that gets hit on every time. For my own personal reasons, I am not interested in anything romantic or sexual with her. What I would like from her though is to meet up with her regularly so that I can beef up on my conversational skills and my body language. So far, I have talked to her mostly via the phone as she is always swamped by people when we are at school.

I was thinking of just calling her and telling her exactly what I want from her. Just friendship and hanging out. Is this too blunt? Or is it just unrealistic on my end? Is it even possible to overtly put a girl in the friendzone with her agreeing to it?

TLDR: I would like to put a girl in the friend zone.

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