In Ireland we call the 26th of December St. Stephen’s day or sometimes just Stephen’s day. In the UK it is called Boxing Day.

What is the day after Christmas called for you?

  1. In The Netherlands we have 1st day of Christmas and 2nd day of Christmas. So what you call after Christmas is still Christmas for us.

  2. We call it “Tapaninpäivä” literally means “Tapani’s day”. Tapani is the finnish version of the name Stefanus. The day has merged with a traditional Finnish horse celebration so it’s a tradition to go for a horse ride on the 26th. Most people these days don’t do it however because nobody owns horses anymore

  3. Tapaninpäivä. Tapani is just a Finnish version of Stéphanos (or Stephen) and “päivä” means “day” .

  4. “The day after Christmas” is not really a term that makes sense in Norway, since there is no clearly agreed upon definition of when Christmas begins or ends here.

    The most important day is by far Christmas Eve, which is the day we celebrate by eating and exchanging gifts. The two days after that are called 1st and 2nd Day of Christmas, which are holidays and are usually associated as a time of relaxing and spending time with family.

    In fact, if someone said “The day after Christmas” I would assume they were talking about the 1st Day of Christmas, though I have never heard anyone say that.

  5. 24th – Vianoce/Štedrý deň(Christmas/Generous day), also Adam and Eve have name day

    25th – Prvý sviatok vianočný(Roughly : First Christmas Holiday), no name day

    26th – Druhý sviatok vianočný(Second Christmas Holiday), Stephen have name day

  6. “Christmas” (or “jul” as we call it) is the whole holiday period here, it’s not just one day. But if I heard “the day after Christmas” I would probably think of the 25th, since our main celebrations are on the 24th, and the 25th is usually just a resting day after all the festivities.

    Anyway, the 24th is called “Christmas Eve” (“julaften”) and that’s THE day we celebrate and look forward to (which is also why we only have 24 days in our advent calendar etc.). The 25th and 26th are also public holidays, and they’re called “the first Christmas Day” (“første juledag”) and “the second Christmas Day” (“andre juledag”). Also, even though the following days before New Years Eve don’t have official names, it’s common to also refer to them as “the third/fourth etc. Christmas Day”.

  7. 23th = Lillejuleaften (little Christmas eve).
    Just a regular work-day for most people, but also a big travel day for people who lives far away from their family, and are going home to spend Christmas eve there. Some families have traditions regarding food this evening, or maybe decorating the Christmas tree or something like that.

    24th = Juleaften (Christmas eve). The most important day. Some people still likes to go to church during the day, but it is the family gathering and meal in the evening that is important. This is followed by “dancing” around the Christmas tree and opening presents.

    25th = 1. Juledag (first Chrismas day).

    26th = 2. Juledag (second Christmas day)

    Both the 25th and the 26th are national holidays, so not much is open. In my family, we usually do absolutely nothing on the 25th, as the kids are pretty exhausted from being up late on the 24th, we typically spend the day in pajamas playing with all the new toys they got. Then on the 26th, we have a big Julefrokost (Christmas lunch) with “the other side of the family” – the side we didn’t spend Christmas eve with.

    27th = nothing.. just a regular work day, although many people use vacation days between Christmas and New Years eve.

  8. The day after Christmas is called 27th December. Today it’s second Christmas “holiday” or “saint Stephen” (Štěpán).

  9. Yeh Boxing Day is really just Christmas Day part 2, like a decent sequel. Food is nearly the same but it’s left overs instead of freshly cooked all the same films, games, songs played, drinking continues as normal. Even presents are still going strong when the cousins or family friends pop over.

  10. Sant Esteve (St. Stephen) and it is an important day here in Catalonia. There are traditions specifically about St. Esteve and it is normal for families to meet for lunch

  11. 24th – *Julafton* – “Christmas Eve”

    25th – *Juldagen* – “Christmas Day”

    26th – *Annandag jul* – lit: “Second/Other day Christmas”, i.e. “Second Day (of) Christmas”

  12. I googled about it and discovered that we don’t have any special name for a day after Christmas, because it’s already a common day.

  13. It changes every year. This year we call it “Sunday”. Next year probably we’ll call it “Monday”.

  14. In Finland 🇫🇮 The 25th Day is called “joulupäivä” and The 26th IS called “Tapaninpäivä”. In English Joulu=Christmas and päivä=Day.

    I dare you to have an amazing Day 😌

  15. Since we celebrate christmas on the 24th (julafton) the day after is juldag (christmas day) and the day after that (26th) is called annandag jul (christmas diffrent day)

  16. Sveti Štefan (st. Stephens).
    But we also celebrate the “Independence and unity day”, as the results of the 1990 independence referendum were announced on 26. December.

  17. The shitty day, when we realize that the holiday is over and we have a bad headache due to the amount of alcohol in the blood

  18. – 24th – Heiligabend (holy eve)
    – night between 24th and 25th – Christnacht or Weihnachtsnacht – Christ night or Christmas night
    – 25th – Christtag – Christ day
    – 26th – Stefanitag

  19. 8th of January is the second day of Святки/Svâtki, the days between Christmas and Epiphany when people used to carol, trick or treat and tell the future.

  20. It’s also named after Saint Stephen here and called Stiewesdaag. It’s kind of a weird name in the end because “steiwen” as a verb means “to die” in Luxembourgish.

    The French call it Saint-Etienne and in Germany it’s usually only called “Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag” – Second Christmas day.

  21. In Portugal we call it “Dia de restos”.

    And we spent all day eating the leftovers from the Christmas day.

  22. If someone says: I’m off work all of Christmas”, then I would assume they are off from 24th to 1st of January.

  23. 24th: Christmas Eve

    25th: Christmas Day

    26th: St. Stephen’s Day (shortened to “Stephens’s Day”)

    Edit: Just realized OP is Irish and I’m a fucking idiot.

  24. In France, 26 of December is not a public holiday. We celebrate Christmas eve (24.12) and Christmas (25.12). But 26 of December is called Saint Etienne.

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