I've spent most life so lonely and miserable that I rarely think life is worth living. I don't view it as a brain problem, I've been very socially isolated most of my life and I think most people would be in bad a bad mental place if they had the same life as me. My therapist agrees with me on this. I go through the motions of life pretty well. I work, exercise, read books, have hobbies, go to social events, ect. I can make small talk about all this pretty well. The problem is that if you scratch the surface even a little bit, all my behavior is a reaction to the fact that I'm lonely. I chose one hobby to distract myself my situation. I chose another hobby because I thought it would help me find a partner. I choose another hobby because I thought it would help me make friends. Everytime a conversation goes past small talk I find that I just can't share anything without revealing stuff that most people find disturbing.

I'm okay with being open with people but I know most people don't like to be blindsided with talk about disturbing subjects. I guess my question how do you decide how much to share and when?

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