Why is my boyfriend (m24) ignoring me (f21)???

Why is M24 ignoring me F21 over this?

Why am i 'F21' being ignored by 'M24'?

My (f21) boyfriend (m24) is ignoring me after saturday night.

The past month I have been feeling like our relationship lacks something, feeling like I get no affection from him or even respect sometimes.

I had a list on my phone to talk through the points of what I felt sad about in our relationship. As stated above. These points also included wanting to be kissed more, saying i love you and about moving out together as this is our plan within the next month.

We spent the whole weekend with his family, and he knew I needed to discuss this as I've been holding it in and needing to let it out.

Friday night I brought it up in bed after getting back from work, showering, eating and settling in. He got mad at me, stated the bed is not the place to discuss these things. He got quite mad and we went to sleep angry.

Saturday we were out with his family, between driving to the location and back I mentioned this because I knew it was then or bedtime. We discussed it briefly, no one was mad. I was driving so didnt have my list but he agreed to maybe go see someone professional about our relationship to improve it.

On the way back home, he asked if we can stop by his mates. We stayed there late. He drove home after all this and had a bit of road rage. Him getting angry was one of my issues. He was short tempered a lot lately, at me as well.

I mocked him about something he got mad about and he lost it….

It was mean of me, but i just had enough and wanted to show him how he acted. I was asked to go home and he said he wasnt going to talk to me for a while.

Ive sent him a big paragraph stating Im sorry. But i think i deserve an apology just as much. Hes ignoring me, blocked our main point of contact. Hasnt seen my paragraph. I shouldnt even pay him any daylight with his attitude honestly. How can someone be with you for 5 solid years and do this to me. After everything.

*edit: he replied to my long paragraph about how im sorry and understand his pov. That i look forward to the move and opt to do better. He replied with thanks for seeing my perspective

Tdlr: ignoring me for bringing up my issues

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