19M, yeah it was dumb but its been really fun, I dont want to take it anumore though, i get consistent erections but they dont last like they used to before taking viagra about half a year ago. Ive been using 1-2 times a month since. Ive definitely grown a psychological dependency on it and feel a need to go rounds and rounds or just always be ready, I dont like it, I want my normal dick back, but he is significantly less hard and harder to maintain now. Any help would be appreciated.

  1. As with all addictions, you just have to go cold turkey and accept that things won’t be dialed up to 13, or probably even your previous 10, for a while (and, your previous 10 will be percieved by you as about a 7 until you get used to normal again)… White knuckle it is the only advice I think anyone can give you.

  2. Try a couple weeks without it and give it a rest. That would be a good starting point to see where you’re at without it.

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