Hello! I’m autistic and in the process of getting on disability support, and I often find people asking me what I do for work. I don’t really like making things up or lying, so I tell the truth. I usually say something along the lines of “I don’t work actually, I’m currently applying for disability support.” If they ask why, I tell them I’m autistic. This sometimes displeases people, I think because I’m very good at hiding it. They probably don’t think I need support.
I spoke to my dad about it, and he thought it was really weird that I revealed I’m applying for disability. He says “Its none of their business, and people don’t like to hear about income,” which I just don’t get in this scenario. They asked me what I do, so I told them. My dad is off work for an injury that happened 4 years ago, so he is also on support, but he says he wouldn’t talk about that with others. I think he’s a totally different situation though.
Is what I’m saying inappropriate? I probably won’t change my answer, but I’m curious what others think.

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