Hi everyone, I have a friend and she is really fun & enthusiastic about doing things together and we can laugh about anything. She is a single mom, like me so I feel like we understand eachother most of the time.

But lately I have noticed that she is very insecure about her appearance, something I don't pay a lot of attention to.

Sure, I like to dress nice and be a good example for my daughter, but it isn't a focal point in my life. I'm actually way more interested in evolving as a mom and a woman, diving into my strenghts, recognizing bad habits, and trying to break them, analyzing my social skills & thoughts, and simply expanding my knowledge and interests in all sorts of topics, emotions, reactions etc. I really like the quote "the brain uses itself to understand itself". In short, I like to be fully human, whatever that may encompass.

So I have noticed, in all our conversations, she always steers the conversation to shallow topics, like clothes and how she is overweight and what make up foundation I could be using and that her lips are too thin.

I don't want to lose her friendship, but I feel there are much more interesting topics to discuss and ponder over. I also feel like these topics are not really positive to have around little girls (we both have daughters).

How can I politely steer the conversations away from these superficial topics?

1 comment
  1. When she talks like that say things that are really positive about her and tell her she’s crazy for thinking like that. Sounds to me like her self-esteem is pretty low. Then bring up positive topics.

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