I work on a show with someone who is helpful, interesting, and overall contributes to the project. However, it’s a talk show format and he likes to add his own two cents and input frequently throughout the show. Which is mostly fine, but he talks over people, and in my opinion too often for someone who isn’t on camera. They’re part of the production aspect, i.e. making sure we’re “live.” And all the behind the scenes things are working and he does that great.

It isn’t that I don’t appreciate their contributions to the conversation, but if he’s going to talk this often, we should have a camera on him and until then, he shouldn’t be a part of the conversation so much in order to make the show feel more professional. But I feel like I sound like a jerk saying that.

How can I express this without making him feel like they have to go on the defensive, or am I wrong? I’m open to the idea that I’m being nit picky, but I’m also not the only one on the team who has expressed this. Curious on your guy’s thoughts….

1 comment
  1. First I’ll say this, throw out a lot of cushions, make it seem like you really don’t want to say it, then start off with exactly what you said, “hey I’m not trying to be a jerk or sound mean but… or since he talks over everyone, ask him “hey you ever thought about getting on camera?” If yes, suggest he should since he has so much input. If no, then also state you always have input when we’re live, I thought you’d be better suited blah blah.. if you go with the first option, just watch your tone as your saying it, I’m an adult and I have issues with almost every one because of my tone lol I won’t even be angry but my tone is so direct and stern sometimes. I could be giving someone a compliment and it’s “why you said it like that?” The need for people to tell you how YOU feel by how you said something, or even write in a text lol smh. Got off topic a bit but I hope that helps.

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