It was our second date. We're both mid 20s.

We spent 4 hours in a bar, we both only had 1 drink. Eventually we got the message to get out, because the employees kept asking us what we needed during our conversation.

We decided to go for an evening stroll together through the city park, just walking and talking.

I stuck my hand out, "Uhm… do you want to…"

She just grabbed it and we walked holding hands. After a while we got to a park bench and sat down to chat.

A few minutes later, "Would I be overstepping if I did this?" as I put my arm around her.

"Not at all, that feels good"

Eventually we decided to call it a night and go home. I walked with her to her car. We just talked for a minute, and then she opened the door.

"Uhm… before you go, should we-"

"Yes we should."

We both leaned in for a kiss… it was nothing TOO movie-esque, just a peck. Honestly I was pretty bad at it. Mainly just how… inaccurate I was. But I've never kissed a woman before. I didn't want to sound like a TOTAL loser… so "Oh… you know… I haven't done that in a few years"

"Really? Well, that's ok"

"Can I get a do-over at that?"

"Of course you can. Come here"

Just another little peck. But at least my aim was better lmao. She got in her car ready to drive away… I had to physically restrain myself for jumping for joy. I suddenly had the energy to climb a mountain or fight a bear. Sometimes, life really is like a cheesey 90s movie.

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