How in the world do you guys shave your bums? I shave mine and it’s still prickly. And then it starts to get itchy? And I can’t use any products down there because I’ll get a UTI. If I go wax it costs an arm and a leg. I lasered for over a year AND IT GREW BACK! Like how are people just ready to have sex??? I’ve been abstinent for like 2 years now other than a blowjob I gave a guy last November. I feel like I’m a Sasquatch or something and can’t find the confidence to live vicariously like I want to.

P.S I’m not a man so how do GUYS do it? There’s no way they don’t also have hair down there. Especially gay guys? Like all the gay guys I know have amazing sex lives so why is it just me who can’t work around the booty.

Anyways idk if this sounds sad or funny or both. It really isn’t an emergency but I’m just sick and tired of constantly thinking about my ass. It’s a nice ass. It’s just got hair on it and I’ve never gotten the freedom of being able to just DO WHAT I WANT without thinking about the logistics of shaving. My twenties are suffering for it and no one else I know seems to have this problem. Or atleast they aren’t vocal about it.

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