My(M20) girlfriend(F20) of 1 year says she wants to sell feet pics online as she wants to earn money. We both are college students and I do editing as stuff to earn money for now but don’t really get much from it. I don’t really feel comfortable with her selling feet pics as I have doubts that she might want to show more for money once she finds out how easy it is to earn through that. She is totally against showing her body and even feet but she in desperate need of money so she thinks feet pics are better than showing her whole body. She has even said if anyone would want any dirty talk then I can handle it but I just feel uncomfortable with the idea of her selling her feet pics. What should I do in this situation?

Tl;dr- Girlfriend of 1 years wants to post feet pics online but I don’t feel comfortable as I have doubts she might want to show more as it’s easy money. What should I do?

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