I still love him. But don’t feel like I’m in love with him. We have been married for 3 years, together for 6. I’m 28, he’s 35. We have 3 kids together. He constantly makes digs at me, calls me a bad mum, doesn’t help around the house at all and very little with the kids.

I do absolutely everything for him and our kids yet there’s no appreciation. I also think he’s a straight up racist and homophobe with the comments he makes. I’m on maternity leave so he’s currently providing for us. I know he’s stressed an I appreciate him supporting us financially. But things just seem to keep getting worse. I just don’t know how to keep doing this.

TL;DR- I feel like I’m falling out of love with my husband and I don’t know what to do

  1. He shouldn’t be putting down your parenting. Marriage counselling or if he declined divorce

  2. He sounds like a complete ahole. I wouldn’t stay married to someone like that.

  3. Start working with a lawyer so you can start the divorce proceedings. Why you’d even contemplate staying with a racist homophobe where your children will learn those horrific habits is beyond me tbh.

  4. Demand marriage counseling and put divorce on the table. It’s not okay to live like this.

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