This guy and I have become really close. I’m in love with him, but idk how he feels about me. Idk if he’s even gay. We talk for hours together in person. We talk about everything.

Texting is a different story. He always ignores my texts. I’ll text him, he’ll respond once, and then immediately exit the conversation. I know he’s busy some days, but he only responds to my texts. He never initiates conversations. Why ask for my number, if you aren’t going to text me? I mean he walked up and asked me.

For his school, he had to present his senior thesis to the school faculty. We were talking over text, and Thursday morning I said….

“Good luck on friday! I know how hard you worked for it.”

It’s been 2 days, and He didn’t respond.

Would it be needy if I texted him “Hey how did it go?”

Or should I just wait and ask in person when I see him next? We will talk about it at great length in person, but I want him to know I’m thinking about him, and that I care

I really care about him, but don’t want to seem needy. Is it best to just talk in person?

  1. This one girl I was friends with we talked for hours on the phone tell 3am even sometimes almost everyday for like 2 weeks she would often message me and ask me to call. Eventually she just stopped texting me and calling. I then asked her twice to call on the phone and one time she said not tonight sorry the other time she said I just saw this that was the following morning. From there on out I took it as a hint that she may not be interested in being friends or talking to me in general. It’s been 17 days since I last spoke to her although she has spoke to me multiple times in person I ignored it. Lesson being if they don’t wanna talk to you don’t chase after them keep your distance and if they are right for you they will come back (reason I didn’t talk to her is because I don’t want to go through this again but if u like him u can)

  2. You remided me of me and my dad. I find myself leaving my dad on read, because it’s not really someone I want to hang out/have a conversation with. A lot of biased opinions and beating the victim drum like all the damn time. Even the things that were clearly his fault are someone elses fault. No accountability or responsibility. He also lies, a lot. Thanks, but no thanks.

  3. >I really care about him, but don’t want to seem needy.

    There’s a big difference between seeming needy and *being* needy. People worry a lot about seeming needy, when what really matters is whether or not you are actually being too needy.

    Texting twice in three days is not needy. Most people would actually call that normal. It sounds like this guy just doesn’t like to text. Some people are like that. I don’t get it but that’s just how they are. You can try to let him know that you’d like to text more or just accept that most of your communication will happen in person.

    Since you two are still just friends, you’ll probably have to pick the second option.

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