If he didn’t like me would he be nervous? He was visibly nervous. His legs were shaking, he was talking alot and fast etc
Idk at point he pulled out his phone though…

  1. How experienced is he in dating (as in how many has he been on)? I know for damn sure I’d be nervous as hell if I went on any date at this point just because of my overall experience being literally zero, and I’d imagine it’d be the same for some other ppl that haven’t ever dated before or are still pretty inexperienced

  2. I was driving my best friend to a date. He has been on plenty of dates and he has hooked up multiple times. He showed me how hard his hand was shaking, he was really nervous even before meeting the girl. I would say yes, more nervous prob means more attraction

  3. Definitely can be. But it can also be the fact he’s inexperienced. My first date, my palms were sweaty the whole time lol.

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