So my entire life I have never been jealous or envious when I see a person succeeding in their own things in life. I do the opposite, I get inspired instead.

Why is it that many times even your own family wants you to stay in the same spot forever even if that spot is not serving you, not making you grow and youre just in a negative environment?

One huge eye opening experience Ive learned is to NOT help those who have shown you that they wont do the same thing for you in terms of help and support. I helped in crisis a couple family members in times of need where nobody would to the point I placed my life on hold and just focused on them.

Now that Im older and feel left behind compared to my highschool/college friends, even those I helped within family try to find ways to attack me, blame nonsense petty things on me or just find sitatuions to tarnish the image others who do value me.

Its like they dont like to see me do stuff that can help me grow, could be taking steps in starting my own business or project, socializing with people who work in different areas that they do maybe they are business owners etc.

It feels almost like they WANT me to be in the same place forever so they have someone to compare themselves within the family and feel they are better and successful. The times Ive shared positive normal attainable goals, they just dont seem intereseted or supportive, instead they have tried to plant seeds of doubt and fear within me told as "advice", now I see maybe it could be their own insecurities projecting.

Have you been in similar situations?

It amazes me how your own family can sometimes or many times try to sabotage you, and it all starts with behavior, words etc. Now I try not to share what Im doing since all I get is a condescending comments that are based on fear of them seeing me successful in my goals. Its hard to digest this stuff specially with the people you grew up with. Behaviors of ungratefulness and selfishness. Triangulation so drama and arguments tension are created.

Its almost like the more a person is under an anxious stressful environment, there is no focus, if there is no focus theres no peace and growth to do the necessary things. Basically walking on egg shells and you cant be relaxed and focus, every interaction needs to be thought throughly.

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