How to respond to unresponsiveness?

Hey everyone, I need some advice on a situation I'm dealing with. I don’t have anyone to talk to about it so I appreciate any input. I've been talking to this guy for about five or six months. We're in a long-distance relationship and met in person for the first time about a month ago. We had an amazing weekend together and he suggested we should be exclusive. He even mentioned visiting each other again soon!

We used to text constantly since then, but about a week ago his replies have slowed down significantly. Two days ago, he asked me some questions and I responded. I asked about his day, but he hasn't responded. Today I started getting worried since it's unlike him to not respond for so long and then I felt like a clown when I saw he posted a story on IG. It was a repost of a pic from awhile back ut still. It made me feel some kind of way that he posted that but couldn’t even respond to me from 2 days ago or just say simply, hey I’m busy.

I'm unsure how to handle this. Im fairly positive he is going to text me at some point but literally my last message was what are you doing today over 48 hours ago and I haven’t gotten a reply. When he reaches out, should I just act normal and say hey where you been, been busy? Or should I directly address the inconsistent communication and how it makes me feel unimportant and confused? I'm not trying to come off as needy, but I don't like feeling this way. What do you all think?

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