There’s these girls at my school I think are super cool. We’ve been going to the same school for a bit now. I think they’re weirded out by me and I don’t know why. I’ve talked to them sat with them. And I speak a decent amount of Spanish I’m friends with a bunch of them. But when it comes down to sitting in the whole group they kinda ignore me or they give up on me in a way when I’m trying to find the correct words in Spanish. And this guy I call Juanita kinda puts me down cause I don’t speak enough Spanish. And he doesn’t want to be seen with me or even speak with me. And Im so confused cause with all of them I’ve tried to be cool with them. And they just I guess think I’m weird. And I’ve tried and tried. I think part of it comes with I’m not from Mexico. But my mom is full Mexican. My dad is Puerto Rican and speaks Spanish and I visit Mexico almost every year. I feel like I’m Hispanic enough but I don’t think to them I’m Hispanic enough. I guess I kinda compel them? Idk help me. I just want to be their friends. And I even added some of them on insta they see me story’s but they don’t follow back and kinda give me a cold shoulder.

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