My girlfriend (24 F) and I (21 M) just began dating a little over 6 months ago. She consistently goes over to her fake “uncles” house to “house sit” and take care of his two little dogs while he goes away on trips which is quite often. At first I had no problem with it figuring she was making good money while doing so.

Around 2 months into talking I found out that this fake “uncle” used to be her boss at a previous place of employment but it was also her ex boyfriend’s real uncle. I have raised many concerns about this but always seem to drop the conversation coming to the conclusion that if i make her choose most likely it’s gonna be her “uncle”.

This being said she claims she has no contact with her ex which I believe but she continues to house sit some weekend “just for the money”. Yet if I ever want to hangout on days where she has to house sit she either says she can’t or it’s too late and she has to go “feed the dogs”
Am I overreacting and being dramatic/controlling or do I make a valid claim when asking her to either stop house sitting or just go later so we can hangout more?

TLDR: Girlfriend(24 F) Stays over her ex’s uncles house some weekends to housesit “just for the money”.

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