I 22m and a woman I went to school with 22?F have been talking on and off for a few years since we were like 14-15. We pretty much always talked online but met a couple of times out of school but it was school related.

We spoke on and off so for every new on she would confess stuff she did last time we were talking a lot, idk why. She had always had romantic feelings for me and would say she drew me secretly in the past, and had confessed that she had driven past my house earlier in the day to feel closer to me. We stopped talking when she dated a guy who I used to be friends with and I got with my current girlfriend a few weeks later (24F).

Again, we never met, I never told her my address or new address and as far as I was aware she wasn’t looking at my stories on Instagram. I post me at a place I visit fairly often. (Important because they show up when I was meant to be home/just left but I was home by chance)

I unfollow her (she unfollowed me a few weeks before) and the next day she drives past my house with some guy, slowing down, both her and the guy staring at me. They turn around a bunch and drive past 4 times before reversing and sitting in front of my house (they leave when I step away from the window to talk to my girlfriend, who they couldn’t see). I have security cameras and everyone I’ve shown the footage agrees it’s stalking. I don’t know what made her and this guy who I don’t know his name or who he is.

It all kinda scared me, and I haven’t been sleeping right since knowing her and some guy I have no idea who it is wants to watch me. I’ve spoken to someone about getting a restraining order but it needs to be a 2 strikes in a year thing.

Does anyone have any experience with something like this? Why are they doing this, there was never an argument or anything between us just drifted apart. My curiosity is killing me why she and some guy are doing this.

TL;DR : an old failed talking stage 22F has begun stalking my 22M house which I never told her where I live with some guy I don’t know after I unfollowed her. It’s making me feel crazy but everyone I’ve shown the CCTV footage to agrees she’s doing it, I just can’t understand why?

Edit: she has been controlling and manipulative, and very passive aggressive in the past as well as never expressing discontent. I feel like this is helpful

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