Hello I just want to start off by please don’t comment if you’re just gonna say you should’ve never gotten married because it’s too late and we did. I am a 22M and my wife is 21F, we have a 1.5 year old girl. We were dating as soon as she got pregnant (obviously not planned) we felt like we needed to get married. Fast forward to this year My wife recently this year has been getting in weird moods, so concerned I asked her what is wrong with her as she is being very rude and cold and not talking to me. This is on and off every couple of weeks .She said she feels like this isn’t what she should be doing in her early 20s and be a mom at home, she said she holds resentment towards me for getting her pregnant and feels depressed about being a mom and wife and not being able to do the things a “normal” 20 yr old does. Now not to be boastful but I am a really loving man and I try my best to love her treat her good check up on her and help when I can with our daughter on top of going to to school and working. I feel as though it’s only me in this relationship right now. Should I talk to her about possibly separating? Can we see a therapist? I love her and don’t want to leave but I can’t live like this much longer feeling like I don’t exist and am not wanted/loved. Thank you for your help in advance.

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