Throwaway account.

I (24M) am I slightly autistic man (I know ranking autism can be problematic, but it's not something that normally bothers me or affects my day to day). Ever since I was a teenager, I've had a fetish for a certain racial group. I don't know why, but I just remember seeing them and having 'that' feeling.

I work at a store that sells a variety of things, including video game merchandise. Nearby, we have a 'coffee shop' that we get coffee from a lot. My Manager (35ishF) is a super bubbly lady who seems to make friends with everyone. She started taking stock (that was getting taken off the floor) over to 'coffee shop' and giving it away to the staff there after learning some of them were also pretty nerdy. Mostly stuff like posters and promo materials. In exchange, we'd occasionally get free breakroom snacks from 'coffee shop'.

About 4 months ago, Manager asked me to run a plushie over to 'coffee shop' when I go to pick up our coffee order, making a joke about the plushie being a sacrifice to the caffeine gods. I went over with the plushie, and when I reached the counter I kept the joke going, saying 'I was going to sacrifice the plushie in the Nearby volcano but my manager said the caffeine gods had already dibs'ed it'. I guess this was a good joke because it got some laughs, and one of the coffee shop workers responded 'its just goddesses here today, but we'll take it." I'm not normally good at talking to women, but the causal banter made me really happy.

Since then, Manager has sent me over to 'coffee shop' a couple of times a week. Normally it's fine and I'm kind of friends with the women who work there now i think, though I 100% know I have to be respectful and professional and have been every time.

The problem started when I met Jane (25ishF). Jane is one of the nerdier women at 'coffee shop' and seems to like talking to me when I go over there. I really like Jane and she's really easy to talk to. Jane is part of the group I have a fetish for and I've found it hard to be around her because I know women don't like men who chase them because their race, or guys who date chubby women just cause they're chubby etc. And I've been trying to be professional.

One day, Jane complained about cosplaying a certain character for an upcoming convention because the character was pale and blonde (Jane is very much not). I told her she'd be a gorgeous 'character' despite not being lore accurate. After that day, some of the women at 'coffee shop' started asking me about Jane when I came in, and she wasn't working. I don't think they were being mean, just laughing. I was really worried I'd said something wrong, so I started trying to do the coffee runs less.

Anyway, last Sunday Jane came into my store and said that her and the other staff were sad because they hadn't seen me as much recently. I got really nervous having her in the store and told her I was worried my compliment was inappropriate. She said it was the opposite and asked me if I wanted to go get a coffee after work. I fucked up and said I had plans and she looked sad, so I instead said we could go this weekend instead.

Is that OK? I don't want her to feel like I'm just dating her because of her race, but I also feel like i'm lying to her if I don't mention it. I know it's just a date but if it became more would I have to tell her? Even I know that's a really intense thing to talk about with someone.

I tried really hard not to 'chase' her but I was really happy when she asked me for coffee. I talked to my roomate about it and he laughed and told me to post here because it was 'cute' but I also want advice.

Edit: Thanks everyone, I understand that fetish might not have been the best word. I might update on how it goes if that's something people commonly do. Also thankyou all for being very sweet, normally the internet is full of assholes and I appreciate it.

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