
Been with my girl for 4 years.
Before me, she dated this guy i actually used to work with, and thats how we met.

They broke up when he got a mental breakdown or something and started cheating on her.

She told me, and pretty much all her girlfriends that her ex had a good 9 or more inches down under, and i would say atleast 50% of the time we have sex, she wants me to go deeper and bottom her out.

She loves it, alot.
Thing is, i cant. Im 6 inch on a good day, and im not even close to punching her cervix.
When we take a beer/drink w/e, she goes crazy for some cervix punching but i cant…

According to her, getting hit in the cervix during sex and beeing fucked hard is the only way she can climax.

I tried selling in using a dildo/strap-on but she told me nah. Dont want that inside her.

What do i do? We tried different positions but i cant hit it.

Fucking sucks.

EDIT: thank you everyone. I tried reading everyones msg and i want to talk to her about it. I dont want this to turn to a bad thing in the future anymore then it already is.

Thank you!❤️

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